Tips To Get Through Your Divorce
1. Keep your Cool

Keep your cool and do not over react. Even if you feel like the world is coming to an end, many people have gotten through, survived and even flourished after a divorce. Losing your temper is a bad thing to do when you're in the middle of a divorce. Do not file false orders of protection to further your case, and do not cause someone to be able to file an order of protection against you.

2. Act with Integrity

No matter what reason you're getting a divorce, try to act with the highest amount of integrity that you have. Lying, sneaking, and illegal activities will get you nowhere. Now that you're involved in a divorce you will have to answer to everything you say or do. Assume everything you say is being recorded, and everything you do is being noted.

3. Keep Children Out of It

Do not talk to your children about your divorce case. Do not show your children divorce documents, or in any way talk badly about the other parent within their ear shot. Don't so much as roll your eyes or grimace at the mention of his name. This is your child's parent. If asked, you tell the children that you both love them and that this is an adult issue, between the two of you. You say this no matter how you feel. In this matter, your feelings are irrelevant.

4. Be Real

Sometimes it is easy to get carried away with demands during a divorce. Be realistic in your demands. If you are asking for a lot of money each month, or all the property, consider the other side's view for a moment. Your ex spouse has a right to live a good life after divorce just as you do. Divorce court is not the place to act out your revenge fantasies. You're not going to get even in court. More than likely if you're unrealistic you will get a lot less in court than what you would have gotten in an agreed settlement.

5. Record Everything

Create a notebook, or use a calendar to notate every visitation, parenting time, phone call, or conflict . Notate things without emotion or commentary. Keep any correspondence, emails, letters, phone records.

6. Get Counseling

Counseling will help you deal with the issues you're experiencing as well as help you with keeping your cool. Divorce can be difficult and you should seek counseling regarding the emotional and mental hardship of divorce as well as a spiritual counselor to deal with that aspect of your life. Additionally, a legal counselor or attorney can advise you of your rights and responsibilities during divorce proceedings.


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